New Hampshire Weekend Memoir Retreat


New Hampshire Memoir Retreat


Letting the Light In

A Women’s Weekend of Memoir

SEPTEMBER 4--7, 2025

September in New Hampshire/Photo: Greta Rybus

If you’ve been wanting to write, but you’re not sure how to begin – or maybe you’ve been working on your writing for a while, but feel the need for some guidance and support—here comes a great way to reach your writing goals.

Join New York Times best-selling writer Joyce Maynard—author of three memoirs, twelve novels and more essays than she chooses to count—in the beautiful town of Greenfield, New Hampshire.

“To share our stories is not only a worthwhile endeavor for the storyteller, but for those who hear our stories and feel less alone because of it.”

- Joyce Maynard

September 4-7, 2025



We’ll meet up at 4 pm on Thursday, September 4, 2025 at The Barbara C Harris Conference Center in Greenfield, New Hampshire for drinks, appetizers, and a chance to get to know each other, followed by dinner.  After, we’ll gather around the fire pit, weather permitting, for a preview of our time together.


What follows are two days of intense work with Joyce—craft talks interspersed with short writing assignments, followed by an opportunity for those who choose to share what they’ve written, and lots of time for discussion, questions about the writing process, and tools that will serve you well on your writing journey.


Evenings, we’ll gather for readings from members of the group who choose to share their work. One of the best things about any workshop Joyce hosts is that you’re likely to discover friends who share your passion for writing.  Long after the retreat is over, many stay in touch and continue to share their work.

Sunday morning, we’ll meet for a final morning session after breakfast, in which Joyce will talk about the realities of publishing , and address the question likely to be on the mind of every writer of memoir:  “How can I write honestly about my life without hurting the people I love—and people I don’t love, but don’t want to hurt?”

The workshop concludes with Joyce talking you through the process of how she writes a short personal essay.


* In advance of the workshop, Joyce will ask any participants who choose to submit a short piece of personal nonfiction/ memoir—or excerpt from a longer piece of work.  This is NOT required. Though she will not be workshopping each writer’s work, as she does in her weeklong workshops, over the course of our time together she WILL draw on selections from these submissions.


MY Home in New Hampshire

Just minutes away from the Conference Center.

Each day, a small group of early risers will be invited to Joyce’s lakeside home, for coffee and conversation (and a pre-breakfast swim, for the heart.)


MEALS Thursday night dinner, Friday, Saturday and Sunday breakfasts and Friday and Saturday lunches will take place at The Barbara Harris Conference Center.  We will have dinner on Friday and Saturday at two different local restaurants.  (Cost of dinners out is NOT covered in your retreat tuition, but all else is.)


It’s likely that some tears will be shed over your memoir-writing weekend. It’s guaranteed there will be laughter, sisterhood, inspiration and discovery. Also, fun.


This retreat promises an opportunity to share your story, in a diverse community of women of all ages who share your passion. You’ll experience the tough, but loving guidance of a writer with more than thirty years experience teaching memoir and instilling the tools of honest, powerful writing.


“telling the truth

about one’s life

is always valuable.”

~ Joyce Maynard


How to apply for the 3 day retreat

Send an email to Joyce’s Right Hand Woman, Megan Woolsey expressing your interest, or questions.

No writing sample is required for participation in the 3 Day Letting the Light In.

Once you’ve been accepted to the workshop, Megan Woolsey will send everyone information about getting to the Barbara Harris Center.

For those who fly, the nearest airport is Manchester, NH, but Boston is also an option.





Barbara C. Harris Conference Center/Greenfield, NH

Letting the Light In: A Women’s Weekend of Memoir

September 4-7, 2025 (3 day)

Shared Lodge Rooms - St. John’s Lodge at Barbara C Harris Conference Center

-with two people to a room with a private bathroom Cost $1830

Private Lodge Rooms - St. John’s Lodge at Barbara C Harris Conference Center

- private room with a private bathroom Cost $2065

Note on housing: The Barbara C Harris Conference Center is cozy, clean and charming. (Think of this as summer camp for grownups).





Approximately 1 hour 45 minute drive


Approximately 50 minute drive

Let Megan know if you need a suggestion for transportation from the airport.


I look forward to meeting you in New Hampshire.

- Joyce