It’s time.
March 6-14, 2024
If you’ve worked with Joyce on your writing before, you’re eligible to attend The Alumni Writers’ Retreat at her home on Lake Atitlan - Casa Paloma. Think of this as a writing residency, but with the additional support of a seasoned mentor, set in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Unlike Joyce’s Write by the Lake workshops, the retreat focuses less on instruction and more on giving each writer the opportunity to work privately in a spectacularly beautiful, peaceful and inspiring setting. You’ll receive the support of private conferences about your work from Joyce, a daily writers’ circle where each writer has the opportunity to raise issues in their work, and evening readings.
As with the workshops, you’ll enjoy great, healthy meals from our chef, Rosa, complimentary massage, daily sauna and yoga , swimming, kayaking, SUP and hikes are for those who choose.
The retreat week starts with a night at a gorgeous hotel in Antigua and dinner with the group. Then, you’ll travel together to Joyce’s home, where each writer will be given her own private casita with a desk overlooking the lake.
To join the Alumni retreat, send Joyce a short letter describing briefly the project you hope to work on at Lake Atitlan. Along with your letter, you’re welcome to send a manuscript of up to 1500 words—either a stand-alone essay or an excerpt from a longer piece of writing. Before you travel to the retreat, Joyce will ask you to submit a longer piece of writing—up to 3500 words—that will serve as the basis for your first private conference.
Space is limited to just nine places.